Entries by Gilles Cuniberti

New Edition of Cachard’s Private International Law

The second edition of Professor Olivier Cachard’s manual on private international law was just released. The book is a concise survey of French private international law. It essentially aims at being a manageable book for students, but should also be a useful introduction to French private international law for foreign scholars. Of course, many developments […]

US Court Threatens European Holders of Argentinian Bonds

In October 2012, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit interpreted the pari passu clause contained in Argentinian bonds as meaning that all bondholders would be treated as least equally with any other external creditor. As a consequence, U.S. courts issued an injunction ordering Argentina to treat equally bondholders who had refused to participate in previous […]

Hague Academy, Summer Programme for 2014

Private International Law Second Period: 28 July-15 August 2014 General Course 4-15 August Arbitration and Private International Law: George A. BERMANN, Columbia University School of Law   Special Courses 28 July-1 August * Renvoi in Private International Law – The Technique of Dialogue between Legal Cultures: Walid KASSIR, Université Saint-Joseph Legal Certainty in International Civil Cases: Thalia KRUGER, University of […]