Entries by Gilles Cuniberti

Schultz on Postulates of Justice in Transnational Law and Private International Law Reasoning

Thomas Schultz (Kings College London) has posted Postulates of Justice in Transnational Law and Private International Law Reasoning. A Few Simple Points (Postulats De Justice En Droit Transnational Et Raisonnements De Droit International Privé. Premier Balisage D’Un Champ D’Études) on SSRN. Certain postulates of justice that led to legal statism constitute an epistemological obstacle in […]

Curran on Extraterritoriality, Universal Jurisdiction, and the Challenge of Kiobel

Vivian Grosswald Curran (University of Pittsburgh – School of Law) has posted Extraterritoriality, Universal Jurisdiction, and the Challenge of Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. on SSRN. This article analyzes Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. as a point of juncture between extraterritorial and universal jurisdiction, inasmuch as it harks from two lines of case law […]

Lithuanian Court Asks ECJ whether Brussels Regime Forbids Recognition of Arbitral Antisuit Injunctions

The Lithuanian Supreme Court has made a preliminary reference to the Court of Justice of the European Union asking whether the Brussels Regime forbids the recognition of arbitral anti-suit injunctions. In this case, after one party initiated court proceedings in Lithuania, the other party commenced arbitral proceedings in Sweden. The arbitral tribunal found that the […]