Entries by Giesela Ruehl

Sharing Economy in EU Private International Law

Edoardo Rossi has published (in Italian) a book on the Sharing Economic in EU Private International Law (“La Sharing Economy nel diritto internazionale privato europeo”). The author has kindly provided us with an abstract: In the current economic and social context new and controversial sharing practices, offering anyone the opportunity to search for or make available […]

Foreign Limitation Periods in England & Wales: Roberts v SSAFA

Written by Elijah Granet When a British woman gives birth in a German hospital staffed with British midwives on a contract from the British ministry of defence, what law applies and to what extent? This seemingly simple question took Mrs Justice Foster, in the English and Welsh High Court of Justice, 299 paragraphs to answer in […]

Competition Law and COVID 19

Written by Sophie Hunter With more than 200 countries affected to date, the current crisis presents far reaching implications for competition law and policy on a global scale. This crisis is affecting developed and developing countries alike, especially by putting young competition authorities under a stress test of the resilience of their competition rules.  As […]

Trending topics in international and EU law

Maria Caterina Baruffi (University of Verona) and Matteo Ortino (University of Verona) have edited the book «Trending topics in international and EU law: legal and economic perspectives». It collects the proceedings of the conference 

RabelsZ, Issue 1/2020

The first 2020 issue RabelsZ has just been released. It features the following articles: Magnus, Robert, Unternehmenspersönlichkeitsrechte im digitalen Raum und Internationales Privatrecht (Corporate Personality Rights on the Internet and the Applicable Law), pp. 1 et seq Companies can defend themselves against defamatory and business-damaging statements made on the internet. German case law in this area […]

Master Programme on International Trade Law (InTradeC) at University of Milan

The University of Milan announces the first edition of the Master Programme on International Trade Compliance Control (IntTradec) to be held in Milan at the Department of International, Legal and Historical-Political Studies, The Programme aims to train professional figures called to work within the Export Control Program, with a specific focus on International Trade Law, Private […]