Entries by Giesela Ruehl

RabelsZ: New issue alert

Issue 1/2022 of RabelsZ is out. It contains the following articles (including three open-access articles focusing on “Decolonial Comparative Law”): Johannes Ungerer: Nudging in Private International Law. The Design of Connecting Factors in Light of Behavioural Economics, Volume 86 (2022) / Issue 1, pp. 1–31, DOI: 10.1628/rabelsz-2022-0002. Amending the traditional economic analysis of law and its assumption of rationality, this […]

New issue alert: RabelsZ 4(2021)

The latest issue of RabelsZ has just been published online. It contains the following contributions:   Jaakko Husa: Merging International Law and Comparative Law – Balancing Between Normative and Non-Normative, Volume 85 (2021) / Issue 4, pp. 745-774 (30), 

New issue alert: RabelsZ 3/2021

The latest issue of RabelsZ is out. It contains the following articles: Kai-Oliver Knops: Die unionsrechtlichen Voraussetzungen des Rechtsmissbrauchseinwands – am Beispiel des Widerrufs von Verbraucherdarlehens- und Versicherungsverträgen (The Requirements of EU Law on Abuse of Law and Abuse of Rights – the Example of the Right to Withdraw from Credit Agreements and Insurance Contract), Volume 85 […]

ILA “Kyoto Guidelines on Intellectual Property and Private International Law” published with comments

Written by Toshiyuki Kono, Pedro de Miguel Asensio and Axel Metzger The International Law Association’s Committee on “Intellectual Property and Private International Law” has finished its work with the adoption and publication of the “Kyoto Guidelines on Intellectual Property and Private International Law”. The Guidelines are the outcome of an international cooperation of a group of 36 scholars […]

Digital teaching of Private International Law: Second EAPIL (Virtual) Seminar on January 27, 2021

The European Association of Private International (EAPIL) will host its Second Virtual Seminar on 27 January 2021, 5 to 7 pm (MET). Devoted to the digital teaching of Private International Law and its challenges in Corona times, the Seminar will present tools that may help to improve the digital teaching of our discipline and discuss pervasive problems […]

Out now: RabelsZ 1/2021

Issue 1/2021 of RabelsZ is now available online! It contains the following articles:   Reinhard Zimmermann (Hamburg): Zwingender Angehörigenschutz im Erbrecht ­- Entwicklungslinien jenseits der westeuropäischen Kodifikationen (Mandatory Family Protection in the Law of Succession), RabelsZ 85 (2021) 1–75 – DOI: 10.1628/rabelsz-2020-0092 Following on from an earlier contribution devoted to the development of the notions of forced heirship […]

Cross-Border Families under Covid-19: Call for Papers

The Minerva Center for Human Rights at Tel Aviv University will host an  international socio-legal (zoom-) workshop on 22-23 June 2021 to explore the impact of the Covid-19 crisis and its regulation on cross-border families: Cross-border families (also known as transnational and globordered families) are a growing and diverse phenomenon. People around the globe create bi-national spousal […]