Entries by Giesela Ruehl

Born on the European Private International Law of Book-Entry Securities

Michael Born has published a book on the European Private International Law of  Book-Entry Securities (Europäisches Kollisionsrecht des Effektengiros, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2013). The official summary reads as follows: The law applicable to securities held in book-entry form in securities accounts is subject to a variety of European private international law rules. However, these provisions […]

Nehne on Methodology and Principles of European Private International Law

Timo Nehne, University of Cologne, has written a new book on methodology and general principles of European Private International Law (Methodik und allgemeine Lehren des europäischen Internationalen Privatrechts. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2012).  The author has kindly provided us with the following summary: The Private International Law regulations adopted by the European Union so far stipulate […]

Deinert on International Labor Law

Olaf Deinert, Professor at the Georg-August-University Göttingen, has written a book on (German and European) international labor law (Internationales Arbeitsrecht. Deutsches und europäisches Arbeitskollisionsrecht, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2013). The official summary reads as follows: Olaf Deinert studies all the issues pertaining to applicable law in labor law cases with a foreign element. He gives a […]

Kroll-Ludwigs on Party Autonomy in European Private International Law

Kathrin Kroll-Ludwigs, University of Bonn, has authored a book on the role of party autonomy in European Private International Law (Die Rolle der Parteiautonomie im europäischen Kollisionsrecht, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2013). It provides a broad overview of the design of party autonomy in the law of contractual and non-contractual obligations, family and succession law. The official […]

Preliminary Question on Art. 5 No. 3 Brussels I

It has not been mentioned on this blog that the German Federal Supreme Court on August 15, 2012 referred the following question relating to the interpretation of Article 5 No. 3 of the Brussels I Regulation to the Court of the European Union (Case C-387/12 – Hi Hotel HCF SARL ./. Uwe Spoering): Is Article […]

ERA-Summer Course on European Civil Litigation

From 17  to 21 June, 2013 the Academy of European Law (ERA) will host a summer course on European Civil Litigation. The course is designed to introduce lawyers to practical aspects of cross-border litigation and will concentrate on practical issues, including the (new) Brussels I Regulation, the European payment order and the European small claims […]

ERA-Conference on Cross-border Divorce and Maintenance

From 25 to 27 February 2013 the Academy of European Law (ERA) will host a conference on “Cross-border Divorce and Maintenance: Jurisdiction and Applicable Law” in Dublin. The conference will provide information on the Brussels II bis Regulation, the Rome III Regulation as well as the Maintenance Regulation. Further information is available

ERA-Conference on Cross-border Mediation, ADR & ODR

On April 25 and 26, 2013 the Academy of European Law (ERA) will host a conference on cross-border mediation, ADR & ODR. The conference will cover various aspects of cross-border alternative dispute resolution including the latest trends and developments in legislation at national, international and EU level. Further information is available

NYU Conference on Forum Shopping in International Arbitration

NYU’s Center for Transnational Litigation and Commercial Law will host a conference on “Forum Shopping in the International Commercial Arbitration Context” from 28 February to 2 March 2013. The list of speakers include Prof. George A. Bermann, Ms. Christopher Boog, Prof. Jack Coe, Jr., Prof. Filip De Ly, Mr. Domenico Di Pietro, Mr. John Fellas, […]