Entries by Giesela Ruehl

Conference Report: Conflict of Laws 4.0 (Münster, Germany)

Written by Prof. Dr. Stefan Arnold, Thorben Eick and Cedric Hornung, University of Münster Digitization, Artificial Intelligence and the blockchain technology are core elements of a historic transformation of modern society. Such transformations necessarily challenge traditional legal concepts. Hitherto, the academic discourse is much more intense in the area of substantial private law than it […]

Call for Proposals: Special Issues in the Maastricht Journal  

The Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law warmly invites for submitting a proposal for a special issue to be published in the upcoming year’s Volume of the Maastricht Journal. The Maastricht Journal announces deadlines each year for the submission of proposals for a special issue, the next one is on: 20 January 2020 A […]

DynamInt: 7 PhD positions at Humboldt-University Berlin

The Faculty of Law of Humboldt-University Berlin invites applications for 7 doctoral positions (Research fellowships with 3/4-part-time-employment – E 13 TV-L HU1, third party funding, short-term until 30 November 2021, prolongation is possible; engagement intended until 1 December 2019) Job description: Research activities in the doctoral programme “Dynamic Integration – Law in-between Harmonisation and Plurality […]