Entries by Apostolos Anthimos

Chronology of Practice: Chinese Practice in Private International Law in 2021

Professor HE Qisheng  has published the annual report, Chronology of Practice: Chinese Practice in Private International Law in 2021, now in its 9th year. The article has been published by the Chinese Journal of International Law, a journal published by Oxford University Press.. This survey contains materials reflecting the Chinese practice of Chinese private international law in 2021. […]

70th Anniversary of the UIHJ

The International Union of Judicial Officers / Union internationale des huissiers de justice (UIHJ) is the highest representative body of judicial officers in the world. On the occasion of its annual Permanent Council, the Union  celebrated its 70th Anniversary in Paris on November 24, 2022, at the Espace Niemeyer. A full report of the celebration […]

LEX & FORUM Vol. 3/2022

This editorial has been prepared by Prof. Paris Arvanitakis, Aristotle University of  Thessaloniki, Greece. The European Regulations of Private and Procedural International Law are part of an enclosed legislative system. Since the early stages of European integration, third countries, and in particular the USA, had expressed their objections concerning the European integration process, questioning whether it reflects […]

LEX & FORUM Vol. 2/2022 – Private International Law & the Internet

The current issue of Lex & Forum explores the existing status of Private International Law & the Internet, and tries to map out solutions and proposals for the future. The issue benefits from the privilege of hosting papers of two worldwide leading figures in the area of private international law: Professor Dan Svantesson is sharing […]

Greek court recognizes UK custody order to the non-biological parent in the context of a married same-sex couple

Greece still forms part of the EU Member States group not recognizing same-sex marriage. Same-sex couples do enjoy however some rights. The latest challenging issue concerned custody rights of a same-sex couple married abroad. The Thessaloniki Court of Appeal reversed the first instance ruling, and recognized an English custody order [Thessaloniki CoA, decision published on […]


With this present issue, Lex & Forum enters its second year of publication. The first four issues of the previous year were dedicated to the fundamental and most current issues of European private/procedural international law: the judicial cooperation after BREXIT (1st issue), the impact of 40 years since Greece joined the European Union to the […]