Entries by Apostolos Anthimos

Ficticious service still active outside Europe

With the EU Service Regulation being active for more than 20 years, and the Hague Service Convention being ratified by almost all European countries, there is little space for practicing fictitious service of proceedings in Europe. However, for service to third countries outside Europe, and especially to continents, such as Africa, Asia, and the Middle […]

ARBITRATION: International Commercial – Domestic – Investment

The author is Dr. Faidon Varesis, Attorney at Law Teaching Fellow, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens PhD (University of Cambridge); MJur (University of Oxford); LLM, LLB (University of Athens).   In an era where the resolution of disputes is increasingly moving away from traditional court systems towards alternative methods, the comprehensive collective work in […]

Milan Arbitration Week – 2023 edition

From 22 to 27 May 2023, the 2023 edition of the Milan Arbitration Week will take place, online and in presence. It encompasses a series of events dedicated to domestic, international commercial and investment arbitration, with the participation of renowned Italian and foreign experts from academia and legal profession.   The Milan Arbitration Week is […]

Lex & Forum Vol. 1/2023

This post has been prepared by Prof. Paris Arvanitakis  Corporate cross-border disputes in modern commercial world have taken on a much more complex dimension than in the early years of the EU. Issues such as the relationship between the registered and the real seat (see e.g. CJEU, 27.9.1988, Daily Mail, C-81/87), the possibility of opening […]

The Greek Supreme Court has decided: Relatives of persons killed in accidents are immediate victims

A groundbreaking judgment was rendered last October by the Greek Supreme Court. Relatives of two Greek crew members killed in Los Llanos Air Base, Spain, initiated proceedings before Athens courts for pain and suffering damages (solatium). Although the action was dismissed by the Athens court of first instance, and the latter decision was confirmed by […]

The University of Bologna Summer School on Transnational Litigation: what you should know about its 2023 edition

[This post has been prepared by Ms. Francesca Albi, J.D. Candidate | Università degli Studi di Verona] The Summer School on Transnational Litigation has been organized since 2019 within the Ravenna Program on Cross-Border Disputes by the University of Bologna, Department of Juridical Sciences – Ravenna Campus (Italy), under the direction of Prof. Michele Angelo […]

The International Dimension of Intellectual Property Disputes

Lex & Forum Law Review and Sakkoulas Publications SA are organizing an online conference on: The International Dimension of Intellectual Property Disputes PRESIDING: Prof. Lia Athanasiou, University of Athens PRESENTERS: • Prof. Dan Svantesson, Faculty of Law, Bond University/Australia, ‘Intellectual Property disputes and PIL: A Swedish and Australian perspective’ • Prof. Dr. Marketa Trimble, Samuel […]

3rd edition – Cycle of seminars – Jean Monnet Module con Cross-Border Litigation – Università degli Studi, Milan – 8 March – 18 May 2023

On 8 March 2023, the latest edition of the cycle of seminars – entirely in English – on cross-border civil and commercial litigation will begin, as part of the European project Jean Monnet Module on Multilevel, Multiparty and Multisector Cross-Border Litigation in Europe, organized by the Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law of the […]

Lex & Forum, Volume 4/2022 – A special on cross border family law

Family disputes constitute the majority of cases of cross-border nature. The free movement of people within the European judicial space and the integration of third-country nationals has created a considerable number of multinational family structures, that give rise to a significant number of legal disputes, leading to complex conflict of law issues. It is no […]