Entries by Tobias Lutzi

In Memoriam Oliver Remien

It is with great sadness that we have learned of the untimely passing of Oliver Remien, Professor at the University of Würzburg, Germany, on Monday, 24 April 2023. Oliver Remien, born in 1957, wrote his doctoral and habilitation theses at the Hamburg Max Planck Institute, where he worked as an assistant to Ulrich Drobnig. He […]

Out Now: 3rd Edition of Ostendorf, Internationale Wirtschaftsverträge

Internationale Wirtschaftsverträge edited by Patrick Ostendorf (Berlin University of Applied Sciences) but otherwise exclusively written by practitioners occupies a unique position with the German literature on international transactions. It is undeniably aimed at practitioners, featuring a great number of check lists, English sample clauses, and practical tips. Accordingly, most of the book is structured around […]

The Fourth Private International Law Conference for Young Scholars in Vienna

Written by Alessa Karlinski and Maren Vogel (both Free University Berlin). On February 23rd and 24th, 2023, young scholars came together at the Sigmund Freud University, Vienna, to discuss different views on private international law under the theme of “Deference to the foreign – empty phrase or guiding principle of private international law?”. Continuing the […]