Last Issue of Revue Critique de Droit International Privé
The last issue of one of the two French leading journals of international private law, the Revue Critique de Droit International Privé (2006), was released last week. In addition to several case commentaries, it contains three articles. Unfortunately and contrary to previous practices, the Revue does not provide any abstract for any of them, even in French.
The first article is from Dr. Hunter-Henin from UCL. Its title is "Droit des personnes et droits de l'homme : Combinaison ou confrontation" (Family Law and Human Rights: Can They Go Along or Do They Exclude Each Other?). I am grateful to her for providing me with the following abstract:
Developments in European Family Law via EC Regulations or fequent recourse to the right to respect for private and family life under article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights have increased individual freedom. However, the concepts of personhood, family and personal status have as a result lost some of their meaning and permanence.
This article first examines the process by which personhood and the traditional personal connecting factor in French Private International Law – nationality – have both lost most of their substance.
It then purports to suggest ways in which the Human Rights’ discourse and the benefits of EU Regulations may blend with rather than trump traditonal values of Private International law, thus ensuring better predictability of individual judicial outcomes and narrowing the current widening gap between European and non European countries.
The author of the second article is Michael Wilderspin from the European Commission. Its title in French is "La compétence juridictionnelle en matière de litiges concernant la violation des droits de propriété intellectuelle. Les arrêts de la Cour de Justice dans les affaires C-4/30, GAT c. LUK et C-539/03, Roche Nederland c. Primus et Goldberg" (Jurisdiction in Disputes Involving the Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights. The Decisions of ECJ in Cases C-4/30, GAT c. LUK and C-539/03, Roche Nederland c. Primus et Goldberg).
The authors of the third article are Dr. Jault-Seseke and Dr. Robine from Rouen University Law Faculty. Its title in French is "L'interprétation du Règlement n°1346/2000 relatif aux procédures d'insolvabilité, la fin des incertitudes ?" (The construction of Regulation n°1346/2000 on Insolvency Proceedings: the End of Uncertainties?). An English abstract should be made available by authors and posted soon.