TDM Call for Papers: “Dispute Resolution from a Corporate Perspective”


While companies do not enter into contracts with the expectation of becoming embroiled in litigation, disputes do occur and are part of doing business. The assumption is that disputes should be managed systemically rather than as ad-hoc events. This TDM special on dispute resolution from a corporate perspective seeks to widen and deepen the debate on issues that are central to the efficient management of disputes from a corporate perspective. The editors thus seek contributions related to any of the areas set out below but welcome other relevant contributions as well.

* Commercial Dispute Resolution – Negotiation. In order to successfully resolve commercial disputes, lawyers must possess, in addition to their legal, technical, and industry expertise, the skills to understand, predict and manage conflict through negotiation. While discussion of legal concepts and theory among the community of international dispute resolution lawyers is highly sophisticated, there is less of a debate on
negotiation and limited exchange with other disciplines researching the field of negotiation.

* Managing the cost of dispute resolution: Discussions between law firms and corporations often center on the subject of how much and how to bill, including for dispute related work. While there is an ongoing debate about whether traditional hourly rate billing creates the wrong incentives, alternative fee arrangements for dispute resolution still appear to be exceptional.

* The future of commercial dispute resolution: The arrival of “big data”, i.e., the increasing volume, velocity, and variety of data, is likely to catapult us into a world where analytics of very large data sets may allow predictions of outcomes and behavior that currently does not exist.

The editors of the special are: Kai-Uwe Karl (General Electric), Abhijit
Mukhopadhyay (Hinduja Group), Michael Wheeler (Harvard Business School)
and Heba Hazzaa (Cairo University).

Publication is expected in October 2014. Proposals for papers should be
submitted to the editors by July 31, 2014

Contact details are available on the TDM website