Commentary of the Succession Regulation


The first commentary of the European Regulation No 650/2012 of 4 July 2012 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and acceptance and enforcement of authentic instruments in matters of succession and on the creation of a European Certificate of Succession has been published by Bruylant.

The book is conceived as a commentary, article by article, of the Regulation. It is written in French and, in its 940 pages, it provides a comprehensive analysis of comparative law as well as extensive explanations and examples in order to allow practitioners to address the issues of future international successions and family business succession planning.

With the contributions of :

Andrea Bonomi (Introduction ; Préambule ; article 1er, paragraphe 1er, paragraphe 2,
points a à g, j ; article 3, paragraphe 1er, points a à d ; articles 4-12 ;
article 14-18 ; articles 20-22 ; article 23, paragraphe 1er, paragraphe 2,
points a à d, h, i ; articles 24-27 ; articles 34-38 ; articles 74-75 ;
articles 77-82);

Ilaria Pretelli (Articles 39-58);

Patrick Wautelet (Article 2 ; article 3, paragraphe 1er, points e à i, paragraphe 2 ;
article 13 ; article 19 ; article 23, points e à g, j ; articles 28-33 ;
articles 59-73 ; article 76 ; articles 83-84).

More information available here.