ZEuP – Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht 4/2024


A new issue of ZEuP – Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht is now available and includes contributions on EU private law, comparative law and legal history, legal unification, private international law, and individual European private law regimes. The full table of content can be accessed here.

The following contributions might be of particular interest for the readers of this blog:

  • Chancen und Risiken eines Virtual Registered Office (VRO)
    Stefanie Jung and Anne-Kathrin Haag on the virtualization of the registered office of a business: A virtualisation of the registered office and, possibly also the domestic business address would eliminate the need for a physical connection with the country of registration and thus save effort and costs relating to the establishment of a business. This article explores the opportunities as well as the risks of such a virtualisation. At the same time, the existing requirements for the registered office, the administrative office, the domestic business address, and the business premises will be reflected upon.
  • Laloivit-elle? Erste Entwicklungen in der Rechtsprechung zum französischen Lieferkettengesetz
    Laura Nasse on the French Supply Chain Act: The French Supply Chain Act that entered into force on 27.3.2017 is a prime example for national and European legislation in the field of business and human rights. It has inspired the German Supply Chain Act and acted as a benchmark in negotiations on the European Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. Based on recent case law, this article analyses the impact of the French legislation in practice.
  • ECJ on “Quasi-Anti-Suit Injunctions” – Old Wine in New Bottles? – Judgment of the European Court of Justice of 7 September 2023
    Madeleine Petersen Weiner comments on a decision by the ECJ on “Quasi-Anti-Suit Injunctions”.
  • Konkretisierung des Orts des Schadenseintritts nach Art. 7 Nr. 2 Brüssel Ia-VO in den sogenannten „Dieselfällen“ – Urteil des EuGH (Neunte Kammer) vom 22.2.2024
    Marko Andjic
    discusses a decision by the ECJ on the interpretation of Article 7 of the Brussels Ibis regulation concerning the place where the harmful event occurred.