Extension of deadline (to 10 January 2025) for Call for Papers for Special Issue of the Journal of Sustainable Development and Policy on the theme, “Private International Law and Sustainable Development in Africa”


Edited by: 

Dr Chukwuma Okoli, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

Dr Eghosa O. Ekhator, University of Derby, United Kingdom

Professor Veronica Ruiz Abou-Nigm, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Professor Ralf Michaels, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Germany

Hans van Loon, Netherlands 


The Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy invites scholarly articles for publication in a special issue focusing on the theme “Private International Law and Sustainable Development in Africa.” This is an area with limited scholarship in Africa, as most research has traditionally emphasized substantive laws, often neglecting the critical role of private international law in sustainable development. Interested researchers should consider themes such as the ones explored in Michaels/Ruiz Abou-Nigm/Van Loon (eds.) (2021): The Private Side of Transforming our World – UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and the Role of Private International Law. Proposals should emphasise private international law and sustainable development issues that are of particular relevance to the African context.

We encourage researchers to explore the intersection of private international law and sustainable development in relation to issues such as environmental protection, corporate social responsibility, and the protection of vulnerable groups (for example, employees, consumers, migrants, and indigenous peoples). Interesting topics in private international law could include how multinational companies are held accountable to host communities in Africa regarding cross-border environmental issues including climate change, as well as social and economic sustainability. Researchers could engage with the regulatory framework for multinational companies in cross-border transactions affecting corporate social responsibility in Africa, and the enhancement of human rights standards and social justice in cross-border employment matters in Africa .They might also wish to reflect on the implications for Africa of the new EU Directive 2024/1760 on corporate sustainability due diligence, and of similar due diligence legislative initiatives deployed at the national level in different countries. Other relevant topics include the African Continental Free Trade Agreement and its relationship with private international law and sustainable development, as well as the harmonization of private international law in Africa and its relation with sustainability goals, regional economic integration, abuses of party autonomy in international commercial contracts, and the appeal of international commercial adjudication in Africa. These are all themes that can be explored from a sustainability perspective.

We are particularly interested in innovative academic approaches that address these themes within the African context. We welcome proposals from all approaches, including critical, doctrinal, analytical, conceptual, reflexive, interdisciplinary, post-critical and speculative traditions of law, that enable a serious scholarly reflection on private international law and sustainable development. Contributions will start filling a significant gap in the literature and promote a deeper understanding the relationships, the impact and the potential of private international law in sustainable development in Africa.


Applicants are invited to submit a research proposal of up to 500 words, together with a short CV in the same document. Submissions should be sent to c.okoli@bham.ac.uk, and copy E.Ekhator@derby.ac.ukandinfo@ogeesinstitute.edu.ng by 10 January, 2025 with the email subject clearly marked “Submission Proposal – Special Issue JSDP – PIL and Sustainable Development in Africa”.

Proposals will be reviewed by the editors and selected participants will be informed by the end of January 2025.

Full draft of selected papers of up to 8,000 words inclusive of footnotes should be submitted by 30 June 2025 following the ‘submission guidelines’ section of The Journal of Sustainable Development and Policy: https://www.ogeesinstitute.edu.ng/submissions.

The editors are seeking opportunities for funding to support a conference in late 2025 to discuss draft papers in advance of publication of the special issue in early 2026.


Read more about the project The Private Side of Transforming our World – UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and the Role of Private International Law here