Brussels IIter online expert seminars: one more seminar added on 17 December 2020

After the successful first four online seminars on Brussels IIter last week (see previous post on Brussels IIter seminars), we have decided to add a seventh seminar to our series:
Child Participation: past research results and the new rules of Brussels IIter, 17 December 2020, 14.00 – 15.15 (after the seminar on provisional measures, transfer and lis pendens, which will end at 13.45).
Chair person: Laura Carpaneto, University of Genoa
Francesca Maoli, University of Genoa, in collaboration with Tine Van Hof, University of Antwerp
Robert Fucik, Austrian Central Authority.
Please enrol if you are interested and then we will send the link for the zoom meeting. Persons who have already enrolled for any of the other six sessions can join without having to enrol again.