Greek Commentary on the ESCP Regulation
The first Commentary on the Small Claims Regulation (861/2007) in Greece has just been published. The volume sheds light on all aspects of cross border small claims litigation within the EU, approaching the topic both from a domestic and an EU-case law viewpoint.
The authors are the following:
Prof. Arvanitakis (Aristotle University, Thessaloniki): Introduction, Articles 1-3 & 17-19
Ass. Professor Yiannopoulos (Democritus University, Thrace): Articles 4-8 & 13-15
Kalli Chronopoulou (Judge): Articles 9-12 & 15a-16
Dr. Karameros (Visiting Lecturer, Neapolis University, Paphos): Articles 20-29
This book is part of an ambitious project, inspired by Prof. Arvanitakis & Prof. Vassilakakis, which aims at publishing a full set of Commentaries on Private International Law EU – Regulations in Greek. The project kickstarted with the publication of the Commentary on the Brussels II bis Regulation (2016). Commentaries on the Brussels I a Regulation and at a later stage the Succession Regulation will follow.