Université de Lausanne/BIICL Conference on ‘The UK, Switzerland, Norway and the EU: Cross-border Business Relations after Brexit’
On 17 May, the Centre de droit comparé, européen et international of the University of Lausanne will host a joint conference with the British Institute of International and Comparative Law on ‘The UK, Switzerland, Norway and the EU: Cross-border Business Relations after Brexit’. The flyer can be found here. The conference, organised by Professor Eva Lein, intends to provide a forum to discuss the legal uncertainties arising from Brexit with regard to cross-border commercial relations between British, EU, Norwegian and Swiss companies companies.
It will feature the following panels:
Welcome: Eva Lein (UNIL / BIICL)
Panel 1: Trade and Services
Chair: Spyros Maniatis (BIICL / Queen Mary University of London)
- Andreas Ziegler (UNIL)
- Thomas Sebastian (Monckton Chambers)
- Kaja Sandvig (DLA Piper, Oslo)
- Federico Ortino (King’s College London / Clifford Chance)
Panel 2: Company Law and Insolvencies
Chair: Adam Johnson QC (Herbert Smith Freehills)
- Stefania Bariatti (University of Milan)
- Rodrigo Rodriguez (University of Lucerne)
- John Whiteoak (Herbert Smith Freehills, London)
- Kern Alexander (University of Zurich)
Panel 3: Dispute Resolution
Chair: Andrea Bonomi (UNIL)
- Diana Wallis (former vice-President of the European Parliament / ELI)
- Trevor Hartley (London School of Economics)
- Benoît Arthur Mauron (Lalive)
- Peter Arnt Nielsen (Copenhagen Business School)
- Eva Lein (UNIL / BIICL)