Out now: Fundamental Questions of European Private International Law


Stefan Arnold from the University of Graz has edited a volume on fundamental questions of European Private International Law (Grundfragen des Europäischen Kollisionsrechts, Mohr Siebeck 2016, VII + 167 pages, ISBN 978-3-16-153979-4). Published in German the volume contains, among others, chapters on party autonomy, renvoi, ordre public and connecting factors. The editor  has kindly provided us with the following more detailed information:

9831_00_detailEuropean Private International Law serves the European idea of an area of freedom, security and justice. For that task, it seems crucial that the legal actors of European Private International Law address its fundamentals. The fundamentals – or fundamental questions – of European Private International Law are manifold. Some of them are discussed in this volume. They concern the political framework within which European Law operates, the challenges of modern concepts of “family” or the relationship of Private International Law and Religious Law. Last not least, European Private International Law needs to ascertain the regulatory function of central Conflict of Laws concepts such as the idea of connecting factors, party autonomy, ordre public and renvoi.

Table of contents

  • Christoph Althammer: Das Konzept der Familie im Europäischen Internationalen Familienrecht [The Concept of „Family“ in European International Family Law]
  • Stefan Arnold: Gründe und Grenzen der Parteiautonomie im Europäischen Kollisionsrecht [The Foundations and Limits of Party Autonomy in European Private International Law]
  • Gerald Mäsch: Der Renvoi im Europäischen Kollisionsrecht [Renvoi in European Private International Law]
  • Mathias Rohe: Europäisches Kollisionsrecht und religiöses Recht [European Private International Law and Religious Law]
  • Michael Stürner: Der ordre public im Europäischen Kollisionsrecht [Ordre Public in European Private International Law]
  • Rolf Wagner: Das Europäische Kollisionsrecht im Spiegel der Rechtspolitik [European Private International Law and Legal Policy]
  • Marc-Philippe Weller: Anknüpfungsprinzipien im Europäischen Kollisionsrecht – eine neue „kopernikanische Wende“? [Connecting Factors in European Private International Law – a New “Copernican Revolution”?]