New Hague Maintenance Convention in Force in the EU


The Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance has entered into force in the member states of the European Union on 1 August 2014. It eases the enforcement of judicial decisions relating to maintenance obligations via the establishment of central authorities in each contracting state.

In addition to the European Union the Maintenance Convention is in force in four more countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegowina, Norway and the Ukraine. Ratification in the United States is under way. More information on the Convention’s status (including the full text in English and Spanish) is available here.

The Convention is  accompanied by the Hague Protocol on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations which entered into force in the European Union on 1 August 2013.

1 reply
  1. Richard Frimston says:

    I do find this whole area very difficult.
    It is well worth looking at the Declarations and Reservations.
    None of the convention applies to Denmark. There are various language objections. The protocol does not apply in the UK, but does in Ireland.
    Many advisers are unaware of the application of the convention and Regulation (EC) No 4/2009 of 18 December 2008 to the obligations in some states upon children to maintain the elderly parents.

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