Second Issue of International Journal of Procedural Law


The International Journal of Procedural Law was launched a year ago. It is a multiligual peer-reviewed journal, which

(…) provides an international research platform for scholars and practitioners in the field of procedural law, especially in civil matters.

In addition to articles in five different languages examining current developments in judicial and alternative dispute resolution, the IJPL also publishes articles devoted to the theoretical foundations of procedural law. Contributions address legal issues from domestic, transnational or international perspectives, including comparative law and conflicts of law aspects. Consequently, the IJPL is not only of interest for scholars but also for practitioners in charge of cross-border cases.

The IJPL is published twice a year. Each issue consists of five parts: Studies, Practice, Debate, Legislation and Information (book reviews, interviews, conference summaries). Articles must be written in English, French, German, Italian or Spanish and will be published in the language in which they have been submitted. Preliminary abstracts in the other languages of the IJPL inform the reader about the central points of each article. The IJPL is the journal of the International Association of Procedural Law.

 The second issue of the Journal focuses on issues of private international law. It includes the following articles or essays:


Cross-border enforcement in the EU: Mutual Trust versus Fair Trial? Towards Principles of European Civil Procedure(XANDRA KRAMER)

L’incidence de la distinction per officium / per partes sur la circulation internationale des décisions provisoires (MARIE NIOCHE)

Vollstreckung von Zivilentscheidungen aus Europa und Drittstaaten in Deutschland – Ein Versuch der Systematisierung (THOMAS RAUSCHER)

U.S.-Style Discovery for Non-U.S. Proceedings: Judicial Assistance or Judicial Interference? (NICOLO TROCKER)

Internationale Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen und positive internationale Kompetenzkonflikte – Ein Beitrag zum Änderungsentwurf der Brüssel I-Verordnung (KAROL WEITZ)


Comparative Perspectives: A Year in the Life of Regulation (UE) No. 44 of 2001 (MICHELE ANGELO LUPOI)


Judicial Cooperation in Europe: is Exequatur still necessary? (PAOLO BIAVATI)

The Abolition of Exequatur Proceedings: Speeding up the Free Movement of Judgments while Preserving the Rights of the Defense (MARCO DE CRISTOFARO)