Grusic on the Territorial Scope of Employment Legislation and Choice of Law


Ugljesa Grusic, Lecturer  at University of Nottingham – School of Law and PhD Candidate at London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE), has posted an article on SSRN that deals with the Territorial Scope of Employment Legislation and Choice of Law. It has recently been published in the Modern Law Review and can be downloaded here. The abstract reads as follows:

Traditionally, the determination of the territorial scope of the statutory rights conferred by employment legislation forming part of English law has been regarded as an issue entirely disconnected from the choice of law process. Indeed, this view formed the basis of the key decision addressing the problem of territoriality, Lawson v Serco, decided by the House of Lords in 2006. After presenting the current state of the law with regard to the territorial scope of employment legislation, this article takes a critical look at Lawson v Serco. It is argued that the ‘European’ choice of law rules must have a greater importance for determining the territorial scope of employment legislation and, consequently, that the approach pursued in Lawson v Serco is no longer correct, if it ever was, and should not be followed in the future.