COM(2009)154 final in Spanish

Just a brief post to report a “minor” error in the Spanish version of the Proposal for a Regulation on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and authentic instruments in matters of succession and the creation of a European Certificate of Succession: see art. 27.2 in Spanish
“En particular, la aplicación de una disposición de la ley designada por el presente Reglamento solo podrá considerarse contraria al orden público del foro si sus disposiciones relativas a la reserva hereditaria son diferentes de las disposiciones vigentes en el foro”.


and compare it with English (French, Italian…) versions:

“In particular, the application of a rule of the law determined by this Regulation may not be considered to be contrary to the public policy of the forum on the sole ground that its clauses regarding the reserved portion of an estate differ from those in force in the forum”.

But, who knows, may be there is a way to reach a common understanding of the texts.


3 replies
  1. G. A. Dekker says:

    I know little Spanish, but this is probably the same error that occurs in the Dutch version of the proposal (i.e. a missing negative). Article 27(2) in Dutch provides:
    “2. De toepassing van een bepaling van het door deze verordening aangewezen recht kan met name slechts als onverenigbaar met de openbare orde van het land van de rechter worden beschouwd om de enkele reden dat de modaliteiten betreffende het wettelijk erfdeel verschillen van die welke in het land van de rechter gelden.”

  2. Rafael says:

    There is, at least, another “error”: Art. 5.1 of the Spanish version establishes that the court seised in accordance with art. 4 may “inhibirse”, that means “decline jurisdiction” and not merely “stay proceedings”.
    Ah!… EU, a paradise for translators!

  3. Marta Requejo says:

    In the Spanish version the problem is not only a missing negative. Literally, art. 27.2 says that the application of a provision of the law designated by this Regulation may ONLY be considered contrary to the public policy of the forum, etc.

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