Second Issue of 2013’s Revue Critique de Droit International Privé


Revue Critique DIPThe last issue of the Revue critique de droit international privé will shortly be released. It contains four articles and several casenotes. A full table of contents is available here.

Franco Ferrari (NYU Law School), Tendance insulariste et lex forisme malgré un droit uniforme de la vente.

The principles governing interpretation of article 7 of the Vienna Convention on the international sale of goods discourage the formation of any conceptual dependency with national legal systems and, moreover, banish any practice leading to its eviction in favour of the lex fori. This article shows that the case-law of the various Contracting States does not always comply with such prohibitions directed at insularism and lexforism and envisages the means through which to deal with trends which run counter to the uniformity of the law of international sales.

Christelle Chalas (Paris VIII University), L’affaire Ferrexpo : baptême anglais pour l’effet réflexe des articles 22, 27 et 28 du règlement Bruxelles I.

Cecile Legros (Rouen University), A propos de l’affaire du Costa Concordia : les méandres des sources applicables à la responsabilité civile contractuelle du transporteur de passagers par voie maritime. Qu’apporte le règlement « accidents maritimes » du 23 avril 2009 ?

The tragic affair of the Costa Concordia wreck incites us to study the regime applicable to compensation of damages suffered by passengers of a cruise or a maritime transport, especially when the situation is international. In this field, potentially applicable rules are numerous, conflictual as well as substantial. Thus, identifying the relevant source – international convention, european Regulation, or domestic rule applicable through a conflictual mechanism – is quite complex. The entry into force in december 2012 of a new european Regulation on maritime accidents may change the deal. This Regulation uniformizes the liability regime of the carrier, not only of transports linked with EU, but also of certain domestic transports. Its provisions aim to improve passengers’ rights without however enabling them to access to a protectory regime consistent with consumer law.

Domenico Damascelli (University of Salento, Italy), La « circulation » au sein de l’espace judiciaire européen des actes authentiques en matière successorale.