- Sieg Eiselen “Goodbye arrest ad fundandam. Hello forum non conveniens?” 2008 Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg / Journal of South African Law 794
- Thalia Kruger Civil Jurisdiction Rules of the EU and their Impact on Third States Oxford University Press 2008
- Thalia Kruger “Regional organisations and their dispute settlement bodies” 2008 De Jure (to be published)
- Jan L Neels “Falconbridge in Africa. Via media classification (characterisation) and liberative (extinctive) prescription (limitation of actions) in private international law – a Canadian doctrine on safari in Southern Africa (hic sunt leones!); or: simper aliquid novi Africam adferre” (2008) 4 Journal of Private International Law 167
- Jan L Neels “Tweevoudige leemte: bevrydende verjaring en die internasionale privaatreg” 2007 Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg / Journal of South African Law 178
- Jan L Neels “Revocation of wills in South African private international law” (2007) 56 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 613
- Jan L Neels “The proprietary effect of reservation-of-title clauses in South African private international law” in Prof Dr Ergon A Çetingil ve Prof Dr Rayegân Kender’e 50. Birlikte Çali?ma Yili Arma?ani (2007) (Istanbul) 903 (originally published in 2006 South African Mercantile Law Journal 66)
- Jan L Neels and Eesa A Fredericks “The music performance contract in European and Southern African private international law” (part 1) (2008) 71 Tydskrif vir die Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg / Journal of Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law 351
- Jan L Neels and Marlene Wethmar-Lemmer “Constitutional values and the proprietary consequences of marriage in private international law – introducing the lex causae proprietatis matrimonii” 2008 Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg / Journal of South African Law
- Richard Frimpong Oppong “A decade of private international law in African courts 1997-2007” (part 1) (2007) 9 Yearbook of Private International Law 223
- Richard Frimpong Oppong “Roman-Dutch law meets the common law on jurisdiction in international matters” (2008) 4 Journal of Private International Law 311
- Elsabe Schoeman and Christa Roodt “South Africa” in B Verschraegen (ed) Private International Law in R Blanpain International Encyclopaedia of Laws Kluwer Law Interational 2007
- Christa Roodt “A wider vision in choice of prescription law” (2007) 9 Yearbook of Private International Law 357
- Christian Schulze “The 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements” (2007) 19 South African Mercantile Law Journal 140
- Christian Schulze “Should a peregrine plaintiff furnish security for costs for the counterclaim of an incola defendant?” (2007) 19 South African Mercantile Law Journal 393
- Christian Schulze “International jurisdiction in claims sounding in money: is Richman v Ben-Tovim the last word?” (2008) 20 South African Mercantile Law Journal 61
- Omphemetse Sibanda “Jurisdictional arrest of a foreign peregrinus now unconstitutional in South Africa” (2008) 4 Journal of Private International Law 167 329
- Marlene Wethmar-Lemmer “When could a South African court be expected to apply the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)?” 2008 De Jure (to be published)
Jan Neels
Jan Neels2008-09-19 20:09:002008-09-20 18:15:06Eighteen Publications on South African Private International Law 2007-2008
Forum Non Conveniens and Australian Family Law CasesHague Convention on Int’l Protection of Adults to Enter into Force
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