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Workshop on Private International Law of IP Rights

This call for papers is provided for by Jeanne Huang.

The issue of cross border protection of intellectual property (IP) was very important and explained the use of bilateral and multilateral treaties such as the Berne Convention and the Paris Convention. One of the fundamental principles underlying these treaties was territoriality and the national treatment principle. However, the advent of the 21st century brought digitisation and globalisation, which have significantly impacted upon the territoriality protection. Finding the best way to protect IP within the context of globalisation and digitisation was the most fundamental question that the workshop sought to answer. We invite colleagues working on private international law and IP to submit expressions of interest to present at the workshop, which will be held at the Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales on Saturday, 18 August 2018, from 9:30 am -5:00 pm. The workshop is designed to allow researchers working in the field of private international law and IP to deliver work-in-progress papers to their peers. We particularly welcome submissions to discuss and debate the draft International Law Association Guidelines of Intellectual Property and Private International Law, available here.

We are keen to receive proposals that focus on private-international-law issues in cross-border IP disputes, such as:

  • Jurisdiction,
  • Applicable Law,
  • Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments,
  • Arbitration or
  • Private international law issues in smart contracts, blockchain transactions and other digitalized transactions.

For paper proposals, speakers are to submit a title and 150-200 word abstract, along with a one-page CV for potential inclusion in the workshop. Please send your proposal to by 15 April 2018.

Social Media and the Protection of Privacy: Current Gaps and Future Directions in European Private International Law

Anna Bizer, doctoral student at the University of Freiburg, and I have just published an article on “Social Media and the Protection of Privacy: Current Gaps and Future Directions in European Private International Law” in the International Journal of Data Science and Analytics.

The article considers the current situation in European private international law regarding the protection of privacy and personality rights in social media. When privacy infringements occur on the internet, difficult questions as to determining jurisdiction and the applicable law arise. This field is so far only partially governed by European Union law and still leaves a gap that must be filled by the domestic choice-of-law rules of the member states. The article addresses these problems taking into account the recent case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. The full text is available here.

Secure your seat at the global Conference “HCCH 125 – Ways Forward: Challenges and Opportunities in an Increasingly Connected World” at Early Bird Rates by Friday 9 March!

By the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law 

Get your registration now to have the chance to hear from leading Experts and to discuss with them the opportunities for, and challenges to, private international law and the evolution of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH).

Our Experts, including Professor Jürgen Basedow, who will deliver the keynote, Lord Collins of Mapesbury, The Hon Diana Bryant AO QC, Professor Richard Fentiman, Professor Horatia Muir-Watts, Professor José Moreno Rodríguez, Justice Fausto Pocar and Professor Burkhard Hess, to name only a few, will discuss a wide range of issues, including:

  • global trends in private international law and its importance to globalisation and an “open society”;
  • the general role of private international law in an increasingly connected world;
  • the importance of private international law into facilitating the protection of human rights (with a particular focus on family issues and child protection) and to promoting trade, commerce and investment; and
  • the relationship between public and private international law and what, if any, consequences may be the result of a possible convergence.

In addition, the Experts will explore how the HCCH can continue to be the pre-eminent global international organisation that develops innovative private international law solutions.

The draft programme for this global Conference, including all speakers, can be accessed on the Conference website located at:

The Conference is held in conjunction with the HCCH’s 125th Anniversary. It will take place from 18 to 20 April 2018 in Hong Kong, and is organised by the HCCH with the generous support of the Department of Justice of the Hong Kong SAR.

See you in Hong Kong!