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HCCH 125 — Ways Forward: Challenges and Opportunities in an Increasingly Connected World

By the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH)

Register your interest now at, and receive all the latest information about the global conference “HCCH 125 — Ways Forward: Challenges and Opportunities in an Increasingly Connected World”. This global conference gathers world-leading experts who will discuss the opportunities for, and challenges to, private international law. Through interactive “Davos Style” sessions, participants will not only hear from these experts, but can also participate actively in each session. Read more

Surveys on Functioning Brussels I-bis Regulation

As part of a research on the amendments of the Brussels I-bis Regulation and the functioning in legal practice (financed by an Action Grant of the European Commission), surveys are available.

The research is conducted by the Asser Institute (the Hague), Erasmus School of Law (Rotterdam) and the Leibniz Institute (Amsterdam). The researchers are extremely grateful if you could fill these out or forward these to others that might be interested.

The survey is available in Dutch, English, French and German.

Co-funded by the
Justice Programme (2014-2020)
of the European Union

New publications on the Hague Conference (HCCH) and the Global Horizon of Private International Law

Former Secretary General of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH), Hans van Loon, has just published an article on the HCCH and a Chinese translation of his inaugural lecture on the global horizon of private international law delivered at the 2015 Session of the Hague Academy:

– Hans van Loon, “At the Cross-roads of Public and Private International Law – The Hague Conference on Private International Law and Its Work”, in Collected Courses of the Xiamen Academy of International Law, Vol. 11, pp. 1-65, (Chia-Jui Cheng, ed.), Brill/Nijhoff, 2017 (available via Brill).


  1. Role and Mission of the Hague Conference on Private International Law
  2. Origin and Development of the Hague Conference
  3. The impact of Contemporary Globalisation
  4. Hague Conventions Promoting Global Trade, Investment and Finance
  5. Hague Conventions Promoting Administrative and Judicial Cooperation
  6. Hague Conventions Promoting Personal Security and Protecting Families in Cross Border Situations
  7. Outlook – (Potential) Significance of the Hague Conference and Its work for the Asia-Pacific Region.

– Chinese translation (by Prof. Zhang Meirong and Prof. Wu Yong) of Hans van Loon’s Inaugural Lecture, “The Global Horizon of Private International Law” given at the 2015 Session of the Hague Academy of International Law, Recueil des Cours, Vol. 380, in Chinese Review of International Law 2017, vol. 6, pp. 2-52, vol. 6), for more information see

Excerpt of table of contents:

Chapter I. The development of private international law against the backdrop of the evolving nation-State

  • A. Origins and early development of private international law
  • B. Birth of the Hague Conference on private international law
  • C. Establishment of the Hague Conference as an international organization – early innovations
  • D. Globalization – its effects on the nation-State

Chapter II. The impact of globalization on the development of private international law

  • A. Rising profile, proliferation of sources, new approaches
  • B. Commerce and trade: party autonomy within limits
  • C. Families and children: direct transnational institutional co-operation and interaction with human rights

Chapter III. Global challenges for private international law on the horizon

  • A. People on the move
  • B. Environment and climate change

Some general conclusions