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An International Seminar on New Procedural Legislation in Civil and Family Matters to be held in Mexico (13-15 February 2018)

An international seminar on new procedural legislation in civil and family matters will be held from 13 to 15 February 2018 in Toluca, Mexico. This seminar is being supported by the Conferencia Nacional de Gobernadores (Conago – National Conference of Governors) and there is no registration fee. There will be speakers from Argentina, Mexico, Spain […]

Bilingual Moot Court Conflict of Laws Sciences Po

Thanks to Horatia Muir Watt and Hélène van Lith for this post. Sciences Po Law School is delighted to announce the 6th edition of the inter-university Private international law Moot Competition. Sciences Po Law School has been organizing a bilingual moot court on Private International Law in the past 5 years. This 6th edition will […]

Invitation: International Workshop on a Data Base on Cross-Border Enforcement of Claims at the Max-Planck-Institute Luxembourg

On February 26th, a workshop on the organization of databases on European civil procedural law will take place at the Max-Planck-Institute (MPI) Luxembourg. The workshop is part of a research project in which the MPI is participating together with major European Universities (Complutense, Milan, Rotterdam, Wroclaw), coordinated by Prof. Jan von Hein, Freiburg (the so […]