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Job Vacancy at the Asser Institute (the Netherlands)

The Asser Institute in The Hague (the Netherlands) is looking for a Researcher in Private International Law (full time – 38 hours per week). The successful candidate is expected to start preferably from 1 November 2018 and will be conducting research on the Brussels I bis Regulation as part of a DG JUST research project, among other things. He or she will strengthen the research capacity of the Asser Institute in the area of private international law, working within its Research Strand on adequate dispute settlement, and in the context of the Institute’s Strategic Research Agenda. Read more

The Application of Foreign Law

In 2017, the French Cour de Cassation has promoted  a series of seven conferences on the application of foreign law, in partnership with the Société de législation comparée.

Theses conferences have just been published by the SLC.

Prefaced by Mr. Dominique Hascher, Judge at the Cour de cassation and President of the Société de législation comparée, the book contains the following contributions :

Jean-Pierre Ancel, L’office du juge dans la recherche du contenu du droit étranger (The judge’s role in establishing the content of foreign law)

Jean-Baptiste Racine, L’application par les juridictions françaises du droit uniforme et des conventions internationales (The application of uniform law and international conventions)

François Mélin, La coopération internationale dans la recherche du droit étranger : les méthodes classiques (International cooperation in researching the content of foreign law : traditional methods )

Florence Hermite, La coopération internationale dans la recherche du droit étranger : le renouvellement des méthodes (International cooperation in researching the content of foreign law : renewal of methods)

Sabine Corneloup, L’application facultative de la loi étrangère dans les situations de disponibilité du droit et l’application uniforme des règles de conflit d’origine européenne (Optional application of foreign law in situations of availability of law and the uniform application of rules of conflict of European origin)

Gustavo Cerqueira, La hiérarchie étrangère des normes devant le juge français (The foreign hierarchy of norms before the French judge)

Alice Meier-Bourdeau, Le contrôle par la Cour de cassation de l’application du droit étranger (The Cour de cassation’s control in applying foreign law)

Sara Godechot-Patris, L’exception d’équivalence entre la loi française et la loi étrangère (The exception of equivalence between the French law and the foreign law)

The book can be ordered here.

International Max Planck Research School for Successful Dispute Resolution in International Law Call for Applications

The International Max Planck Research School for Successful Dispute Resolution in International Law (IMPRS-SDR) is accepting applications for PhD proposals within the research areas of the Department of International Law and Dispute Resolution and the Department of European and Comparative Procedural Law to fill a total of 5 funded PhD positions at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural law.

The IMPRS-SDR was established in 2009 to bring together academics and seasoned practitioners with excellent PhD candidates in international dispute settlement to examine and compare international dispute resolution from a legal and interdisciplinary perspective. It is a collaborative effort of several prestigious research institutions in Germany and Luxembourg, namely, the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law, Heidelberg University, the University of Luxembourg, the Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law gGmbH, and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law.

In addition to providing a stimulating research environment, the IMPRS-SDR strives to furnish PhD candidates with theoretical and practical insights into the many facets of international dispute resolution.

Selected PhD candidates will receive full-time research contracts of initially two years, with a possible extension. They are embedded in one of the Departments and its activities while also participating in activities organized by the IMPRS-SDR.

For further information on the admission criteria and the application process, as well as to submit your application, please visit: . Closing date for applications is 31 August 2018.