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Out now: ZEuP 2019, Issue 1

The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht has just been released. It  contains the following articles (plus an interesting editorial by Heike Schweizer on the platforms as “private regulators”): Francisco Garcimartín: The EU Regime on Securitisation: coordination between the regulatory framework and the conflict of law rules This article analyses the relationship between […]

TransLex, a free online resource on transnational commercial law, the New Lex Mercatoria

by Klaus Peter Berger, Cologne University The Center for Transnational Law (CENTRAL) at Cologne University Faculty of Law has recently revised and updated TransLex, its free knowledge- and codification-platform on transnational commercial law, the New Lex Mercatoria. The introductory text now contains a thorough and critical analysis of the historic Lex Mercatoria, including its doubtful […]

Book Launch: Global Private International Law

Global Private International Law is a new casebook, published by Edward Elgar and edited by Horatia Muir Watt, Lucia Bíziková, Agatha Brandão de Oliveira, and Diego P. Fernandez Arroyo. The publisher provided the following summary: “Providing a unique and clearly structured tool, this book presents an authoritative collection of carefully selected global case studies. Some […]