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Save the date and register now for the 2nd Conference on European Private International Law taking place in Aarhus in 2020!

Since the entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1999, the European Union has adopted an impressive number of regulations in the field of Private International Law. As a result, Private International Law has gradually become a truly European discipline. However, a truly pan-European forum to discuss issues of European Private International Law is still missing. Following a conference in Berlin in 2018, a group of Private International Law scholars from all over Europe[*], therefore, felt that it was time for a European Association of Private International Law (EAPIL).

The Association will be established in late 2019 and its establishment celebrated at a conference to  be held at Aarhus University, Denmark, from 14 to 16 May 2020. The conference will bring together academics and practitioners from all over Europe and provide a unique opportunity to talk and think about European Private International Law in a pan-European fashion. Topics to be discussed will include the effects and the challenges of digitalization, the problems of fragmentation as well as other challenges the discipline is currently facing.

Confirmed speakers are:

  • Marie-Élodie Ancel (Université Paris-Est Créteil)
  • Francisco Garcimartín-Alférez (Autonomous University of Madrid)
  • Burkhard Hess (Max Planck Institute Luxemburg)
  • Thalia Kruger (University of Antwerp)
  • Matthias Lehmann (University of Bonn)
  • Ralf Michaels (Max Planck Institute Hamburg)
  • Peter Arnt Nielsen (Copenhagen Business School)
  • Haris Pamboukis (University of Athens)
  • Gian Paolo Romano (University of Geneva)
  • Marta Pertegás Sender (University of Maastricht)
  • Maciej Szpunar (Court of Justice of the European Union)
  • Andreas Stein (European Commission)
  • Christiane Wendehorst (University of Vienna)

If you are interested in attending, please register via the conference website. For any other questions, please get in touch with the local organizer, Morten M. Fogt (

Information about the European Association of Private International Law (EAPIL) including information about how to join will soon be made available on this blog!

[*]Apostolos Anthimos, Sabine Corneloup, Gilles Cuniberti, Morten M. Fogt, Pietro Franzina, Agnieszka Frackowiak-Adamska, Jan von Hein, Thomas Kadner Graziano, Eva-Maria Kieninger, Johan Meeusen, Pedro de Miguel Asensio, Marta Requejo Isidro, and Giesela Rühl.

Conference on the ‘Application of the Succession Regulation in the EU Member States’ in Katowice

On 12 September 2019, the University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland) will host an international conference on the Regulation (EU) No 650/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council – the Succession Regulation and on the various issues relating to the succession matters within the European area of freedom, security and justice.

The conference is organized at the occasion of the annual session of the European Group for Private International Law (EGPIL/GEDIP) that will be held at the premises of the University of Silesia in Katowice at the invitation of a member of the Group and a Professor of this University – First Advocate General at the CJEU Maciej Szpunar.

The opening session of the conference will be devoted to the review of Member States’ first experiences with the application of the Succession Regulation. This session will be followed by two panel discussions.

The opening session and both panels will be attended by renowned scholars and practitioners, including but not limited to: Professor Stefania Bariatti (University of Milan), Professor Andrea Bonomi (University of Lausanne), Professor Jürgen Basedow (Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht), Professor Christian Kohler (University of Saarbrücken), Professor Paul Lagarde (University of Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne, Professor emeritus), Professor Cristina González Beilfuss (University of Barcelona) and Michael Wilderspin (European Commission).

The working language of the conference is English, no translation is foreseen.

The fee covering participation in the conference, additional materials and meals including attendance at the reception held after the closing of the deliberations equals to less than 60 EUR.

The draft programme of the conference is available here. More details are available at the website of the University hosting the conference.

Upon the conclusion of the conference, on 13 September 2019, the University of Silesia will award a Doctorate Honoris Causa to the renowned scholar, Professor Paul Lagarde who will deliver a commemorative lecture at this occasion. This ceremony will start at 11:00 AM.

For any inquires that you may have relating to these events, please contact or

Internships available: The HCCH now accepts applications

The Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH) seeks high-achieving interns for January to July 2020.

An internship with the HCCH offers a unique opportunity to deepen the knowledge of private international law, better understand how the HCCH functions, and contribute to the work of the Organisation.

Interested? Then lodge your application by Monday 30 September 2019.

For more information, including the application requirements, check out the HCCH website at: