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Conference on ‘The Protection of Privacy in Interconnected Digital Environments’ at the MPI Luxembourg

On 8 July 2019, the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for Procedural Law will host the third conference organized in the framework of the ILA Committee on the Protection of Privacy in Private International and Procedural Law, chaired by Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Burkhard Hess. After having tackled, in 2014, the shaping of a new understanding […]

Out now: von Bar/Mankowski, Internationales Privatrecht, 2nd edition 2019

For those of you who read German it is great news that volume 2 of the leading German textbook on Private International Law, ‘Internationales Privatrecht’ by Christian von Bar has just been published in a second edition, now authored by Peter Mankowski. The impressive book offers a comprehensive analysis of the current framework of Private […]

Out now: German Journal of Chinese Law Vol. 26 No. 1 (2019) – Comparative Views on Freedom of Contract

In July 2018, Professors Claudia Schubert (then University of Bochum, now Hamburg), Yuanshi Bu and Jan von Hein (both University of Freiburg) organised a comparative, Chinese-German symposium on the recent codification of the general principles of Chinese private law and their implications for freedom of contract (including choice of law) in Freiburg. The contributions to […]