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Call for Papers – Zeitschrift für Recht und Islam / Journal of Law & Islam
As mentioned in my previous post, the Zeitschrift für Recht und Islam / Journal of Law & Islam issued a Call for Papers and kindly provided the following information:
The Zeitschrift für Recht und Islam / Journal of Law & Islam (ZR&I, previously: GAIR-Mitteilungen) is a scientific journal in co-operation with the Gesellschaft für Arabisches und Islamisches Recht e. V. (GAIR), a non-profit scientific association established in 1997. Its aim is the furthering of mutual understanding of law, legal systems and legal practice between European scholars and those of the Arabic and wider Islamic region.
The annual scientific journal contributes to this aim by publishing contributions on the legal developments in this field, covering theoretical legal debate as well as the practical application of both secular and Islamic laws. The journal gives space to a wide range of perspectives and takes regard of the historical development as well as the interaction of “secular” and Islamic laws in different contexts. Its analyses and debates go beyond the basic principles and outlines of those legal systems, but also address the actual developments, both in aspiration and reality. In addition, it covers key phenomena affecting – or even determining – scientific discourse, legislation and legal practice in the relevant states. This focus does however not confine itself to topics of specific or general regional interest, but also addresses the influence of global develop-ments and tendencies, as well as the legal relations among states.
Accordingly, we invite well-known and junior scholars as well as practitioners to help furthering this mutual understanding and dialogue by submitting publishable manuscripts. In view of imple-menting the aims of our association in a full and broad manner, the editors welcome contributions from specific disciplines, as well as interdisciplinary contributions that address the aspects above. We highly welcome the submission of articles, reports and reviews as well as case reports and comments on cases and legislation to the editorial double peer review process. Submissions must, however, not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
The editors accept submissions in German and English. Please send your contributions to, enclosing a brief personal description (no detailed curriculum vitae required). We kindly ask you to provide your submissions in the following format:
- submissions should have the formats doc, docx, odt or rtf,
- concerning fonts, we recommend Times New/Beyrut Roman, Arial, Junicode please use Unicode-characters for diacritic purposes
- use footnotes instead of a separate bibliography;
Bibliographical references should include:
1) concerning monographs and miscellanies:
a) Christian Starck (ed.): Constitutionalism, Universalism and Democracy – a Compar-ative Analysis, Studien & Materialien zur Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit 75, 1999.
b) Matthias Herdegen: Constitutional Rights and the Diminishing State, in: Constitu-tionalism, Universalism and Democracy – a Comparative Analysis, Studien & Materialien zur Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit 75, ed. by Christian Starck, 1999, pp. 183–198.
2) concerning articles:
a) William M. Ballantyne: The New Civil Code of the UAE: A Further Reassertion of the Shari?a, in: Arab Law Quarterly 3 (1985), pp. 245–264.
3) concerning internet sources: (last access 15.10.2017).
Quotes from the Arabic language that go beyond technical terms or short phrases should, in addition to the Arabic original, be provided in transcribed form (using an accepted scientific transcription system such as DMG or Encyclopaedia of Islam) and in translation.
Each submission will be subject to a double peer review procedure by two anonymous colleagues in the relevant area. Once their reports on a submission have been received, the authors will be notified whether their submission is accepted, accepted subject to changes, or rejected. The editors will be overseeing this process and make the final decision on publication. All authors will receive their contribution with editorial changes for a final review prior to publication.
For any queries please contact Sina Nikolajew from the editorial team, as well as the editors Beate Anam, Dr Hatem Elliesie, Kai Kreutzberger and Prof Dr Dr Peter Scholz at
Information about the journal (in English) is availabe here.
Just released: Journal of Law & Islam / Zeitschrift für Recht & Islam (ZR&I) 11 (2019)
Volume 11/2019 of the Journal of Law & Islam / Zeitschrift für Recht & Islam (ZR&I) has just been published. The full issue is available online here. It includes case notes and articles devoted to questions of Islamic law and its interaction with other legal systems. Some of the articles are in English or French.
The Journal editors were so kind to provide me with English translations of the German articles:
Zeitschrift für Recht & Islam / Journal of Law & Islam ZR&I Volume 11 (2019)
EDITORIAL ………. (pp. 5 f.)
- Nichtanerkennung einer katarischen Privatscheidung: Anmerkung zu OLG Stuttgart, Beschluss vom 3.5.2019, Az. 3465 E – 519/18 [Non-recognition of a Qatari Private Divorce: Commentary on OLG Stuttgart, Decision of 3.5.2019, Az. 3465 E – 519/18] ………. (pp. 7–9), Peter Scholz
- Nichtanerkennung einer pakistanischen Adoptionsentscheidung: Anmerkung zu OLG Stuttgart, Beschluss vom 21. 1. 2019, Az. 17 UF – 25/18 [Non-recognition of a Pakistani Adoption Decision: Commentary on OLG Stuttgart, Decision of 21. 1. 2019, Az. 17 UF – 25/18]………. (pp. 11 f.), Peter Scholz
ARTIKEL [ARTICLES] ………. (pp. 13–173)
- Targih und madhab: Zur Rolle des targih-Verfahrens bei der Entwicklung der traditionellen islamischen Rechtsschulen [Targih and madhab: Regarding the Status of the targih Procedure in the Development of the Traditional Islamic Law Schools] ………. (pp. 13–37), Ahmed Gad Makhlouf
- Die Hisbollah und die schiitische Frau – ihre religiösen Rechte und entsprechende politische sowie öffentliche Darstellung [Hisbollah and the Shi’i Woman – Her Religious Rights and Corresponding Political aas well as Public Representation] ………. (pp. 39–56), Batol Kobeissi
- Die Fatwa-Praxis des schiitischen Großayatollahs Sayyid Muhammad Husain Fadlallah am Beispiel Masturbation [The Fatwa Practice of the Shi’i Great Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Husain Fadlallah Exemplified on Masturbation] ………. (pp. 57–78), Doris Decker
- Zur Geschichte zweier hadite, die häufig in der Diskussion über FGM zitiert werden [On the Historical Derivation of two hadite Commonly Cited in the Discussion about FGM] ………. (pp. 79–104), Thomas Eich
- Die Talaq-Scheidung und das deutsche Recht [Talaq Divorce and German Law] ………. (pp. 105–112), Christian F. Majer
- Zum Straftatbestand der Kindesmisshandlung: Ein Blick auf die Rechtspraxis in Saudi-Arabien [The Criminal Offense of Child Abuse: Reflections on the Legal Practice in Saudi Arabia] ………. (pp. 113–144), Elisa Schweitzer
- The Recognition and Enforcement of German Money Judgments in Turkey………. (pp. 145–151), Hamit Alp Ünlü
- La finance islamique au service de l’économie sociale et solidaire de l’occident [Islamic Finance and its Service for the Social and Solidarity Economy of the Occident] ………. (pp. 153–173), M’hamed Hamidouche & Amina Berkane & Ahmed Berkane
The Hanafi School: History, Transformations, and Future, 3–5 December 2018, Amsterdam ………. (pp. 175–186), Samy Ayoub
TIF 2019 – Tunisia Investment Forum, 20. und 21. Juni 2019 in Tunis [TIF 2019 – Tunisia Investment Forum, 20 and 21 June 2019 in Tunis] ………. (pp. 187–189), Achim-Rüdiger Börner
REZENSIONEN [REVIEWS] ………. (pp. 191–199)
Rezension zu Adnan Trakic / John Benson / Pervaiz K Ahmed: Dispute Resolution in Islamic Finance. Alternatives to Litigation?, London / New York: Routledge 2019 [Review of Adnan Trakic / John Benson / Pervaiz K Ahmed: Dispute Resolution in Islamic Finance. Alternatives to Litigation?, London / New York: Routledge 2019] ………. (pp. 191–193), Kilian Bälz
Rezension zu Naseef Naeem: Der Staat und seine Fundamente in den arabischen Republiken, Berlin: Deutscher Levante-Verlag 2019 [Review of Naseef Naeem: Der Staat und seine Fundamente in den arabischen Republiken, (The State and its Foundations in Arab Republics), Berlin: Deutscher Levante-Verlag 2019] ………. (pp. 195–199), Achim-Rüdiger Börner
CALL FOR PAPERS ………. (pp. 201–204)
IMPRESSUM [IMPRINTS] ………. (pp. 205 f.)
For further information about the Journal see also its English page
The Journal also issued a Call for Papers which I will post seperately.
Second Yearbook of the Master’s Program at the Central University of Venezuela
Amazingly, despite the severe crisis in Venezuela, the Master’s Program in Private International Law and Comparative Private Law at the Universidad Central de Venezuela has managed to publish its second Yearbook, with two theses and several impressive shorter pieces by students as well as two new pieces and two “classics” by professors. (Report on the first yearbook last year is here.)