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Just published: “The International Commission on Civil Status in Danger”

Just published in Recueil Dalloz: a “cri d’alarme” by Professors Lagarde, Gaudemet-Tallon, Kessedjian, Jault-Seseke and Pataut concerning the fate of the useful International Commission on Civil Status. Here is a translation of their call to action:

The International Commission on Civil Status in Danger[1]

POINT de Vue Recueil Dalloz issue N° 42 of 3 December 2020,  p. 2355 by Paul Lagarde, Professor emeritus Paris I University, Hélène Gaudemet-Tallon, Professor emeritus Paris II University, Catherine Kessedjian, Professor emeritus Paris II University, Fabienne Jault-Seseke, Professor at  Paris Saclay University, and Étienne Pataut, Professor at the Sorbonne Law School

Civil status issues are a crucial element of a person’s identity. Solving these issues is an essential component of the protection of the right to private and family life, and a gateway to everyone’s recognition as a person before the law. This is why many efforts are made, for instance, to promote birth registration[2]. From birth to death, the legal existence of a person is conditioned by civil status.

Recognition of civil status documents from one State to another is fundamental to ensure the continuity of personhood when people cross international borders. International cooperation is essential to allow a correct understanding and interpretation of civil status documents and facilitate their circulation (both regarding their form (instrumentum) and their content (negotium)).

This is the purpose of the International Commission on Civil Status (CIEC/ICSS), an intergovernmental organization created in the aftermath of the Second World War. The five founding States are Belgium, France, Luxembourg, The Netherlands and Switzerland. Although not operating in the spotlights, this organisation has a most respectable track record. It has enabled the adoption of thirty-four conventions and eleven recommendations on birth, name, nationality, gender change, marriage, partnership, refugees, civil status services, among others. Many of these instruments provide for cooperation of competent authorities or facilitate the understanding of civil status acts, in particular by establishing multilingual forms and allowing their electronic transmission. They have been successful and proved to be very useful. Convention No. 16 is a convincing example[3]. It binds twenty-four States, including States that are not members of the ICCS. It abolishes both legalisation and apostille requirements.

At some point, the ICCS had up to seventeen members (including States outside the EU such as Mexico and Turkey). But despite the undoubted success of the ICCS, Member States have withdrawn from the Organisation one after the other. The withdrawal by the Netherlands in 2018 and France in 2019 may deliver the final blow to the ICCS.

These withdrawals are incomprehensible.

It has been suggested that they have budgetary reasons. This seems hardly credible since the annual budgetary contribution of France to the CIEC amounted to € 33,000, whilst a further reduction to € 15,000 had already been agreed. Moreover, the ICCS has recently decided to dispense with the contribution of its members until 2025. So, this, hardly convincing, argument does not hold.

No more convincing is the idea that the European Union, because of EU regulation 2016/1191 ensuring the circulation of civil status documents in the Union (inspired by ICCS’s work), would have taken over ICCS’s mission. EU regulations do not bind third States; yet, due to migration flows, the EU Member States are often faced with questions concerning the civil status of nationals from countries in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, among others.

Moreover, by signing the Global Compact for Migration in 2019, France has committed itself to promote cooperation in the field of international migration. As the Global Compact itself reminds us, this commitment draws from actions to “Improve civil registry systems, with a particular focus on reaching unregistered persons and our nationals residing in other countries, including by providing relevant identity and civil registry documents, strengthening capacities, and investing in information and communications technology solutions, while upholding the right to privacy and protecting personal data…”.

This is precisely the role of the ICCS, currently launched in ambitious electronic communication projects on civil status documents – supported, moreover, by the European Union.  Now is the time for States (and for the European Union, which is now in a position to become itself an ICCS member) to reinvest in the ICCS – and definitely not to give up!

[1] For a detailed argument, see H. van Loon, Requiem or transformation? Perspectives for the CIEC / ICCS and its work, Yearbook of private international law, vol. 20 (2018/2019), p. 73-93 (this article predates France’s withdrawal).

[2] See Art 7 (1) of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

[3] Convention on the issue of multilingual extracts from civil-status records, signed in Vienna, 8 September 1976. This Convention has, moreover, been reviewed and modernized by Convention No 34, signed in Strasbourg, 14 March 2014.

The University of Zurich is seeking applications for a Professorship in private law (with a focus on the Code of Obligations)

The University of Zurich, Switzerland, has asked CoL to publish the following:

The University of Zurich is seeking applications for a Professorship in private law (with a focus on the Code of Obligations) to take effect from the beginning of the Spring Semester 2022 (1 February 2022), or by arrangement. The level of employment is 50%. The professorship is to be occupied by an individual with a command of the Swiss Code of Obligations as a subject in its full breadth and in reference to comparative law. Proof of exceptional qualification in this subject is to be provided in the form of an outstanding dissertation and a completed or near-com-pleted habilitation thesis (or equivalent academic accomplishment). Also desirable is a willingness to use research and teaching to address current issues concerning the Code of Obligations that may arise in the course of digitalisation, for example, as well as other develop-ments. Depending on the applicant’s qualifications, the professorship will take the form of a full or associate professorship. A temporary tenure-track assistant professorship is possible if the applicant’s habilitation thesis is at an advanced stage but is not yet completed. The University of Zurich strives to increase the representation of women in research and teaching, and therefore specifically encourages qualified female academics to apply. Further information relating to this job profile can be found below. Please submit your application documents as specified in the job profile by 30 December 2020 via You may be requested to submit hard-copy documents separately at a later point. The relevant member of the appointment committee, Professor Helmut Heiss (, is available to answer any questions and provide further information.

Further information is here.

European Commission Rome II Study

The British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) (in consortium with Civic Consulting) has been selected by the European Commission to conduct a study supporting the preparation of a report on the application of the Rome II Regulation (EC) No. 864/2007 on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations (JUST/2019/JCOO/FW/CIVI/0167).

The study assesses the 10-year application of the Rome II Regulation in the Member States and will support the Commission in the future review of the Regulation. It analyses all areas covered and looks into specific, cutting-edge questions, such as cross-border corporate violations of businesses against human rights and the potential impact of the development of artificial intelligence.

To gather views of practitioners and academics from all Member States, BIICL conducts a survey which is available here

Please contribute your experience to the study, if you have a particular expertise in the Rome II Regulation, or in one of the above-mentioned areas – namely cross-border torts related to artificial intelligence, corporate abuses against human rights, or defamation.
BIICL invites interested colleagues from all Member States to participate in the survey, but seeks in particular more contributions from: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Finland, Luxembourg, Romania and Slovenia.

Deadline: December 31st, 2020

More information about the Study is available on BIICL’s website (