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No reciprocity for Swiss and German judgments in Jordan

Two recent rulings of the Supreme Court of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan refused recognition and enforcement of  German and Swiss judgments on maintenance on grounds of no reciprocity. I. First case: No reciprocity with Germany The facts The applicant was the wife of the respondent, both Jordanian nationals. She filed several applications before German […]

Canada’s Top Court to Hear Enforcement Dispute

By Stephen G.A. Pitel, Western University The Supreme Court of Canada has granted leave in H.M.B. Holdings Limited v Attorney General of Antigua and Barbuda.  Information about the appeal is available

ECJ in the case of Ellmes Property Services, C-433/19, on Article 24(1) and Article 7(1)(a) of the Brussels I bis Regulation

On 11 November 2020, the ECJ decided in the case of Ellmes Property Services, C-433/19, on Article 24(1) and Article 7(1)(a) of the Brussels I bis Regulation (for our post on AG Szpunar’s Opinion on the case see