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The University of Zurich is seeking applications for a Professorship in private law (with a focus on the Code of Obligations)

The University of Zurich, Switzerland, has asked CoL to publish the following: The University of Zurich is seeking applications for a Professorship in private law (with a focus on the Code of Obligations) to take effect from the beginning of the Spring Semester 2022 (1 February 2022), or by arrangement. The level of employment is […]

European Commission Rome II Study

The British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) (in consortium with Civic Consulting) has been selected by the European Commission to conduct a study supporting the preparation of a report on the application of the Rome II Regulation (EC) No. 864/2007 on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations (JUST/2019/JCOO/FW/CIVI/0167). The study assesses the 10-year application […]