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The Ukraine War in Public and Private International Law – online panel

On 31 March 2022, 4-7pm CEST, the German Association of International organizes an online panel, in German, on question of public and private international law regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine: The topics are as follows:

  • Public international law questions of armed conflict (Paulina Starski)
  • Public international law questions “off the battlefield” (Markus Krajewski)
  • The enforcement of claims from Russian government bonds: potential scenarios (Peter Kindler)
  • The status of Ukrainian refugees in private international law (Jan von Hein)

The event is only open to members of the Association and persons invited by them (normally PhD and other students). If you know a person who is member of the society you may ask him or her if he/she will forward the invitation to you.

More information here.

Assistance for researchers affected by the war in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine has also affected the lives of legal researchers. The Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law is extending support to these individuals.

The Institute would like to assist scholars who have had to discontinue their research activities because of the war in Ukraine. Towards this end, the Institute is offering scholarships supporting a stay in Hamburg for research in the field of private law. In addition to office space and access to our library, we can also provide assistance in locating housing.

Affected researchers can contact the Institute’s Welcome Center. The offer is directed at doctoral candidates as well as individuals who have already earned their doctorates.

CJEU on centre of main interests (COMI) and its subsequent transfer (and Brexit) under the Insolvency Regulation 2015 in the case Galapagos BidCo, C-723/20

Under the Insolvency Regulation 2015, a transfer of the centre of main interests (COMI) of the debtor after lodging of the request for opening of insolvency proceedings affects the exclusive jurisdiction of the court seised with that application prior to the transfer?

This is the legal issue that the Court addresses in the judgement delivered this morning in the case Galapagos BidCo, C-723/20.

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