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EUI Conference on Appellate Review and Rule of Law In International Trade and Investment Law

Tommorow, 20 January 2022, the Department of Law of the European University Institute organizes a Conference on Appellate Review and Rule of Law In International Trade and Investment Law. The event will take place in a hybrid format that may be attended online via zoom or offline in person at the Badia Fiesolana-Refettorio. The organzizers […]

Save the Date: German Conference for Young Scholars in Private International Law 2023

Following successful conferences in Bonn, Würzburg and Hamburg, please save the date for the 4th German-speaking Conference for Young Scholars in Private International Law, which will take place on 23 and 24 February 2023 at Sigmund Freud University in Vienna. The theme of the conference will be Deference to the foreign – empty phrase or […]

Lancaster University Law Conference: Call for Abstracts

LANCASTER UNIVERSITY LAW CONFERENCE Lancaster University, U.K. 3rd June 2022 CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES TO LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY Call for Abstracts After the grand success of our three annual international conferences in 2019, 2020 and 2021 we are happy to announce that we will be organizing this year’s annual international conference (virtual) on the broad theme ‘Contemporary […]