Entries by Thalia Kruger

Seminar: the child in international child abduction cases, Genoa, 14 & 15 March 2019

The University of Genoa, together with the Universities of Antwerp and Ghent, Missing Children Europe, Child Focus, Centrum IKO and MIKK has launched a research study, co-financed by the European Commission, for the promotion of  child-friendly justice and the enhancement of the well-being of children in international child abductions cases – VOICE. On 14 March (10.00 – 18.30) and 15 March […]

New Regulations on Matrimonial Property and Property of Registered Partnerships: Commentary

The enactment of Regulations 2016/1103 and 2016/1104, implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of jurisdiction, applicable law and the recognition and enforcement of decisions in matters of matrimonial property regimes and of the property consequences of registered partnerships, represents a significant step forward in the development of a European Private International Law in the field of […]

Conference ‘Families Beyond Borders. Migration with or without private international law’, Ghent University, 28 and 29 March 2019 (start 28 March at 1 pm)

On 28 and 29 March 2019, the international conference ‘Families Beyond Borders. Migration with or without private international law’ will take place in Ghent at the Faculty of Law of Ghent University (Belgium). The conference, organised by Jinske Verhellen, will focus on the challenging interactions between private international law, migration law and human rights law. […]

Service of documents in the European Judicial Space: on the Commission’s proposal for amending Regulation 1393/2007

Guest post by Dr. Stefano Dominelli of the University of Milan In recent times, the European Commission has investigated the possibility of amending Regulation 1393/2007 on the service of judicial and extra-judicial documents between Member States. Such instrument has already settled some issues practitioners encountered under the application of the previous legal framework, in particular […]

Brussels IIa Recast: general agreement in the Council

Thanks to Emmanuel Guinchard for the tip through his blog on European Civil Justice On 7 December the Council of the European Union approved the General Approach on the Brussels IIa Recast proposed by the Presidency on 30 November 2018. The text has been heavily discussed and has undergone several changes since the original

Save the date: Conference ‘Families Beyond Borders. Migration with or without private international law’, Ghent University, 28 and 29 March 2019 (start 28 March at 1 pm)

On 28 and 29 March 2019, the international conference ‘Families Beyond Borders. Migration with or without private international law’ will take place in Ghent at the Faculty of Law of Ghent University (Belgium). The conference, organised by Jinske Verhellen, will focus on the challenging interactions between private international law, migration law and human rights law. […]

Call for papers: ‘The Insolvency Regulation Recast: What Has Improved under the New Regulatory Scheme?

On 25 June 2015, the Insolvency Regulation Recast entered into force, though it (mostly) became applicable as of 26 June 2017. The series Short Studies on Private International Law, published by Asser Press, will publish an issue focusing on the particular features of this Regulation. Therefore, it welcomes any paper concerning the private international law […]