Entries by Gilles Cuniberti

Hague Academy, Summer Programme for 2013

Private International Law Inaugural Lecture 29 July Transnational Commercial Law and Conflict of Laws: Institutional Co-operation and Substantive Complementarity Herbert KRONKE, Professor at Heidelberg University General Course 5-16 August Le rôle du politique en droit international privé Patrick KINSCH, Lawyer, Visiting Professor at the University of Luxemburg Special Courses 29 July-2 August Conflict among Enforcement […]

Blogger Served by Chevron to Reveal Gmail Information

Kevin Jon Heller, a regular contributor to international law blog opiniojuris, was subpoenaed by Chevron to reveal information related to his Gmail account. Heller has often criticized Chevron’s action in Ecuador on the blog. The email that he received from Google and his thoughts about it are available

Von Hein on Kate Provence Pictures

Jan von Hein is Professor of Private International Law and Comparative Law at the University of Trier. The Duchess of Cambridge’s topless photos A boost for amending the Rome II Regulation? As Gilles Cuniberti has already informed the readers of this