Entries by Gilles Cuniberti

French Conference on Punitive Damages

The University of Nancy will host an international workshop on the Circulation of Punitive Damages on 24 May 2013. Introduction 9:30 – 10:00 : Les dommages-intérêts punitifs en quête de fondement, Philippe Jestaz (Emeritus Université Paris XII) 10:00 – 10:40 : Dissuader et punir : les dommages et intérêts punitifs remplissent-ils vraiment la fonction qui leur est assignée ? Le […]

New French Book on International Commercial Law

Catherine Kessedjian, who is professor of law at Paris II University and a former Deputy Secretary General to the Hague Conference, has published a new treatise on French International Commercial Law. As is traditional in France, the book includes developments on international commercial contracts, but also on the law governing corporations (including international insolvency) and international dispute […]

Cuniberti on Lex Mercatoria

I (University of Luxembourg) have posted Three Theories of Lex Mercatoria on SSRN. One of the most remarkable developments in international commercial law over the last fifty years has been the gradual acceptance of the existence of a new merchant ‘law’, or lex mercatoria, spontaneously generated by the international community in the shadow of national […]