Rolph on Australia as a Destination for ‘Libel Tourism’


David Rolph (University of Sydney Law School) has posted Splendid Isolation? Australia as a Destination for ‘Libel Tourism’ on SSRN.

The phenomenon of ‘libel tourism’ has caused tension between the United States and the United Kingdom. The issue highlights the differences between American and English defamation laws and conflict of laws rules. Both in the United States and the United Kingdom, there has been legislation proposed or enacted to address the real or perceived problem of ‘libel tourism’. This article analyses ‘libel tourism’ and the responses to it in both countries. Given that Australia’s defamation laws and conflict of laws rules are arguably more restrictive than those of the United Kingdom, this article examines the prospect of Australia becoming an attractive destination for ‘libel tourism’.

The paper was published in the Australian International Law Journal in 2012.