Submission of Abstracts for the 2009 NYU Conference


The Journal of Private International Law will hold its third major conference at New York University on April 17-18, 2009. As was the practice at the prior conferences at the University of Aberdeen in 2005 and at the University of Birmingham in 2007, we are including a “call for papers” to be presented at the conference with a view to having the final papers submitted for consideration for publication in the Journal. Thus, in addition to a number of previously-invited speakers, a limited number of paper-presenters will be selected on the basis of abstracts of 500 words submitted to Professor Linda Silberman at New York University ( and Professor Paul Beaumont at the University of Aberdeen ( by October 31, 2008. The abstracts will be considered by Professor Silberman and the editors of the Journal, Professor Paul Beaumont and Professor Jonathan Harris, and a decision made by 1 December, 2008.

There are three specific conference panels planned over the course of the afternoon of April 17th and the full day on April 18th. They are

  1. International Commercial Law
  2. US and European Conflicts Methodologies: Is It Time for a U.S. Restatement?
  3. Transnational Litigation and Arbitration

We will be selecting papers and presenters related to these topics. Even if your paper is not selected for presentation at the Conference given the limited number of slots, we hope you will consider submitting the paper to the Journal for eventual publication. In addition, the morning of April 17th will be devoted to presentations of papers by legal scholars at an early stage in their academic or professional careers, and we particularly encourage doctoral students, students completing fellowships, and those who have relatively recently completed their doctoral studies to offer abstracts on any aspect of private international law. We contemplate smaller parallel sessions in order to offer opportunity for presentations by a large number of such scholars.

Also note that on April 16, 2009, there will be a day-long conference in tribute to the work of Professor Andreas Lowenfeld of New York University. Journal Conference participants may wish to attend that event as well.

Further details about both the Lowenfeld tribute and the Journal Conference will follow shortly.

13 replies
  1. obazele blessing obe says:

    I am interested in the conference and will like to attend.please as a masters degree student in uk, can i get an invitation letter to enable me get a visa to attend?Am presently doing my LLM in international corporate and financial law.

  2. Devesh says:

    As a finaly year student of prestigious National Law Institute University,Bhopal(INDIA),I want to be part of the conference.

    With My Best Regards,


  3. Davide Marcianò says:

    I would like to join the conference.
    kindest regards

    Davide Marcianò

    Law Faculty
    University of Lecce

  4. Abhinav Srivastava says:

    As a final year student from National Law University, Jodhpur, I am interested in attedning the conference, I am majoring in International Banking and Finance laws and I woud appreciate if an opportunity is given to me to attend this conferece.

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