German/English Publication: Denationalization of Private Law?


Denationalization of Private LawSpeeches which have been held to celebrate the 70th birthday of Karl Kreuzer have been published in the following volume: Eva-Maria Kieninger (ed.), Denationalisierung des Privatrechts? Symposium anlässlich des 70. Geburtstages von Karl Kreuzer.

Here is the content:

  • Klaus Laubenthal (Würzburg), Begrüßung (Greeting)
  • Eva-Maria Kieninger (Würzburg), Einführung in das Thema (Introduction)
  • Paul Lagarde (Paris), Internationales Privatrecht und Europarecht (Private International Law and European Law)
  • Roy Goode (Oxford), The harmonization of dispositive contract and commercial law – should the European Community be involved?
  • Hans van Loon (The Hague), Unification of private international law in a multi-forum context
  • Herbert Kronke (Rome/Heidelberg), Herausforderungen internationaler Privatrechtsmodernisierung (Challenges of the international harmonisation of private law)
  • Karl Kreuzer (Würzburg), Schlussworte (Closing words)