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Conference: Eurolanguage in Private International Law

The Conference “Eurolanguage in Private International Law. Legislating, translating and  applying”, which will take place next June 14 in Tarragona, is an interdisciplinary forum for lawyers and scholars in the field of private international law, comparative law and private law to establish fruitful discussions with scholars and practitioners in the areas of legal language and translation, […]

Foster care by same-sex registered partners in Greece

Following fierce consultations, deliberations and debates, a new law has been passed by the Hellenic Parliament on improving adoption and foster care procedures. The law introduces a new institution: The National Foster Care & Adoption Council, and contains provisions on the requirements and procedures for foster care, thus, enriching the existing landscape embedded in the […]

Private Divorces – Lecrture on the Consequences of the CJEU decision Sahyouni

The IACPIL (Interdisciplinary Association of Private International and Comparative Law) and the University of Vienna invite to a lecture by Prof. Budzikiewicz (in German). Whereas private divorces were mostly executed outside Europe, nowadays Italian, French as well as Spanish law allow a contractual divorce. The lecture addresses to what extent private divorces can be valid […]