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International Investment and Trade Agreements: Recent Developments and Problems Conference

Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to invite you to attend the International Investment and Trade Agreements: Recent Developments and Problems Conference to be hosted by the University of Marmara, School of Law, Department of Private International Law, and Economic Development Foundation (IKV). The main goal of the conference is to discuss recent developments in the […]

Save the date: Conference ‘Families Beyond Borders. Migration with or without private international law’, Ghent University, 28 and 29 March 2019 (start 28 March at 1 pm)

On 28 and 29 March 2019, the international conference ‘Families Beyond Borders. Migration with or without private international law’ will take place in Ghent at the Faculty of Law of Ghent University (Belgium). The conference, organised by Jinske Verhellen, will focus on the challenging interactions between private international law, migration law and human rights law. […]