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Brussels IIa Recast: general agreement in the Council

Thanks to Emmanuel Guinchard for the tip through his blog on European Civil Justice On 7 December the Council of the European Union approved the General Approach on the Brussels IIa Recast proposed by the Presidency on 30 November 2018. The text has been heavily discussed and has undergone several changes since the original

Vacancy at the University of Bremen: Paid PhD-Researcher Position in Private International Law

The University of BremenLaw School will recruit a doctoral researcher in Private International Law (‘wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter’ m/w/d), part time 50 per cent, starting in early 2019, for a duration of 36 months. The researcher will work on the project ‘Rome Regulations. Commentary, 3rded. (Calliess/Renner eds.)’. In addition, there is a teaching obligation of 2 hours/week, 28 weeks/year […]

15th Regional Private International Law Conference, Prishtina, 30 November, 2018

The University of Prishtina is hosting on November 30 the 15th Regional Private International Law Conference. This year’s edition focuses on the  1982 Yugoslav Private International Law Act [“From the 1982 PIL Act towards new PIL Acts in the region”]. The draft agenda is as follows: Location: The Professors’ Room, Faculty of Law, University of […]