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Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional, Vol. 11, No 2 (2019)
The latest issue of Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional, an open-access online journal focusing on private international law, is out. It can be downloaded here.
The fifty papers included in this issue (written in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese and Italian) address a broad range of topics, including the recognition of registered partnerships, jurisdiction over contractual disputes, the law applicable to donations, surrogate motherhood and the recognition of declaratory arbitral awards.
The next issue is due to be out in March 2020. Submissions will be considered if received before 15 December 2019.
Conference in Verona on 15 November 2019 on “Children Protection in the EU: New Rules and National Trends”
The conference represents the final event of the project “C.L.A.S.S.4EU – 4EU training sessions on family law regulations for Cross-border Lawyers And Social Services” (JUST-JTRA-EJTR-AG-2016-763874,, coordinated by the University of Verona in partnership with the University of Milano-Bicocca, University of Minho (Braga), Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest) and the Law Institute of Lithuania.
After the opening speech by Maria Caterina Baruffi (Professor at the University of Verona and Project Scientific Coordinator), selected aspects of cross-border family disputes, in light of new Regulation 2019/1111 (Brussels IIa Recast) and marking the 10th anniversary of the EU Charter of fundamentals rights becoming legally binding and the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the rights of the child, will be addressed by Paolo Bruno (JHA Counsellor at the Permanent Representation of Italy to the EU), Miloš Ha?apka (JHA Counsellor at the Permanent Representation of Slovakia to the EU), Jean Ayoub (Secretary General of ISS – International Social Service), Cinzia Calabrese (President of AIAF – Italian Family Lawyers Association), Agne Limante (Senior Researcher at the Law Institute of Lithuania), Orsolya Szeibert (Professor at the Eötvös Loránd University), Anabela Gonçalves (Professor at the University of Minho) and Costanza Honorati (Professor at the University of Milano-Bicocca).
The programme and more information on the event are available here.
The registration form is available here.
Job Vacancy: Researcher in Private International Law and International Civil Procedure
The Institute for German and International Civil Procedure at the Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University of Bonn, Germany, is looking for a highly skilled and motivated PhD candidate and fellow (Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in) to work in the fields of Private International Law and International Civil Procedure on a part-time basis (50%) as of 1 April 2020.
The successful candidate must hold the First or Second German State Examination in law with distinction (“Prädikat”) and is interested in the international dimensions of private law, in particular private international law and international civil procedure.
The fellow will be given the opportunity to conduct his/her PhD project (according to the Faculty’s regulations) under the supervision of the Director of the Institute Prof Dr Matthias Weller, Mag.rer.publ. ( The position is paid according to the German public salary scale E-13 TV-L, 50% (about 1,300 Euro net per month). The initial contract period is one year at least and up to three years, with an option to be extended. Responsibilities include supporting research and teaching on Private International Law and International Civil Procedure as well as a teaching obligation of two hours per week during term time.
If you are interested in this position, please send your application (cover letter in German; CV; and relevant documents and certificates, notably university transcripts and a copy of law degree) to Prof Dr Matthias Weller ( The University of Bonn is an equal opportunity employer.