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Some Brexit news (part III): The UK ratification of the HCCH Child Support Convention and the UK accession to the HCCH Choice of Court Convention remain suspended until 1 February 2020
This week the Depositary of the HCCH Conventions informed all Contracting Parties that the UK ratification of the HCCH Child Support Convention and the UK accession to the HCCH Choice of Court Convention, including the UK extension to Gibraltar under both Conventions, remain suspended until 1 February 2020.
The above is pursuant to the declaration made by the United Kingdom on 30 October 2019, which informed the Depositary that “the European Council has agreed a further extension of the period for the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union under Article 50(3) of the Treaty on the European Union (the “Extension Period”) which would last until 31 January 2020, or any of the earlier specified dates on which the Withdrawal Agreement enters into force.”
This of course comes as no surprise to many of us. Nevertheless, it is important to bear in mind the new date specified by the Depositary, which seems to cope with a no-deal Brexit scenario and can have important practical consequences (e.g. applicable declarations, temporal scope of application). Importantly, and as indicated in the relevant notifications, in the event that a Withdrawal Agreement is signed, ratified and approved by the United Kingdom and the European Union and enters into force prior to or on 1 February 2020, the United Kingdom will withdraw the Instrument of Ratification and the Instrument of Accession (including the extension to Gibraltar) to the above-mentioned Conventions.
Our previous posts on this matter are available here (part I) and here (part II).
The notifications of the Depositary are available here (Child Support Convention) and here (Choice of Court Convention).
The European Union, as a Regional Economic Integration Organisation, approved both the Child Support Convention and the Choice of Court Convention on 9 April 2014 and 11 June 2015, respectively.
Recruiting a Postdoc researcher on ADR ERC project EU Civil Justice in Rotterdam
Erasmus School of Law has a vacancy for a postdoc position for a subproject on ADR within the ERC Consolidator project: ‘Building EU civil justice: challenges of procedural innovations bridging access to justice’ (EU-JUSTICE)
For this project, we are looking for a talented and energetic postdoctoral researcher with a strong interests in multidisciplinary research and the overall objectives of the project. The ideal candidate should be a dynamic and independent thinker with a team spirit, and should enjoy working in an international environment. The project is financed by the European Research Council under its ERC Consolidator scheme (funding ID 726032). The project is led by Prof. dr. Xandra Kramer. The project kicked off in September 2017 with a group of six researchers and a research assistant with diverse backgrounds who have very successfully collaborated in conducting and presenting research from a multidisciplinary perspective, organising international events, and reaching out to key stakeholders at national and European levels to create impact. The researcher will conduct research in the area of ADR, and will collaborate with the other project members, in particular with the PhD researcher working on ODR. While the research takes place in the context of the project description, the researcher remains free to develop his or her own strands of research within the broad area of ADR.
Check out our website is:
More information is available here.
- hold a PhD, or obtain this before or shortly after appointment, in dispute resolution, or (European) civil procedure;
- good knowledge of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms;
- relevant international publications;
- experience with comparative law research;
- preferably experience with or qualifications in empirical legal research;
- human and managerial skills as well as a relevant professional network;
- excellent writing and oral skills in English;
- working proficiency in at least one or two other languages relevant for the project will be an asset.
Application and conditions of employment
Apply before 18 November 2019, in accordance with the requirements set out at Academic Transfer, where you will also find additional information on the terms of employment. The starting date is 1 January 2020 or any earlier if possible. The employment is for a fixed term of twenty months (1 September 2021), but may be extended for a fixed period if additional funding is obtained.
For more information contact Xandra Kramer,
DynamInt: 7 PhD positions at Humboldt-University Berlin
The Faculty of Law of Humboldt-University Berlin invites applications for 7 doctoral positions (Research fellowships with 3/4-part-time-employment – E 13 TV-L HU1, third party funding, short-term until 30 November 2021, prolongation is possible; engagement intended until 1 December 2019)
Job description:
- Research activities in the doctoral programme “Dynamic Integration – Law in-between Harmonisation and Plurality in Europe (DynamInt)” funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation, GRK 2483);
- Activities for your own scientific qualification (PhD within the thematic areas of the doctoral programme).
You can find more information about the post graduate program DynamInt online:
- First German State Examination in Law or Master Degree in Law (preferably with distinction or better);
- Sufficient command of German and at least one further European common language.
Application period
1st November 2019
(not fixed, extension possible, please contact
Application details
Applications must include a research proposal for the PhD discussing the state of research, framing a scientific question as well as a research plan.
Applications must indicate the identification number of this Call for application (DR/158/19) and should be sent to Humboldt University of Berlin, Faculty of Law, Professor Dr. Matthias Ruffert, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin or to the following e-mail address: (one PDF, max. 10 MB).
The working language of the programme (courses, workshops etc.) is German. The PhD thesis may be written in English.
English text for information with additional explanations – only the German text is authoritative.