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Greece ratifies Protocol No. 16 to the European Convention on Human Rights

Following the signature of Protocol No. 16 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms on March 2, 2017, the Hellenic Republic proceeded yesterday to its ratification. Article 1 of Law 4569/2019 reproduces the English version of the Protocol, coupled with a Greek translation. Articles 2-4 regulate formal issues, such as […]

Last Issue of 2018’s Revue Critique de Droit International Privé

The last issue of the Revue critique de droit international privé has been released. It contains several casenotes and one article, authored by Professor Paul Lagarde (“La codification du droit international privé monégasque”). The abstract reads as follows: “The princedom of Monaco has just given itself a brand-new legislation, a more or less complete codification […]

Annual Report 2018 of the Hague Conference

The Hague Conference has posted its