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Summer School on Transnational Tort Litigation

Written by Michele Angelo Lupoi, Civil Procedural Law and European Judicial Cooperation, University of Bologna The Department of Juridical Sciences of the University of Bologna, Ravenna Campus, has organized a Summer School on Transnational Tort Litigation: Jurisdiction and Remedies, to be held in Ravenna, on July 15-19, 2019. The Summer School deals with transnational jurisdiction, […]

Brazilian and Portuguese books on Private International Law (2018 and 2019 so far)

For those who read Portuguese, here is a round-up of books published in Portugal and Brazil in the last year or so. Abstracts in English hereunder provided when available. Rui Dias, Pactos de Jurisdição Societários, Almedina, 2018 “This study is dedicated to an analysis, from the point of view of both private international law and […]

Rethinking Choice of Law and International Arbitration in Cross-border Commercial Contracts

Written by Gustavo Becker*   During the 26th Willem C. Vis Moot, Dr. Gustavo Moser, counsel at the London Court of International Arbitration and Ph.D. in international commercial law from the University of Basel, coordinated the organization of a seminar regarding choice of law in international contracts and international arbitration. The seminar’s topics revolved around Dr. Moser’s […]